of pilgrim rest church
Men’s Fellowship
To grow men in the knowledge of their responsibility and God’s purpose for their lives. To grow the members of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church into disciples and Christ through the teachings of God’s word.
Personnel Ministry
To manage and maintain a staff that will support the Pastor and empower the congregation to accomplish what God has called us to do through the mission and vision of the church and the vision of our Pastor. To be fully staffed in the Music Ministry To have an...
To enhance the functionality of the church by taking care of the secular operation to processes and procedures to effectively manager the assets of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church.
The Educational Outreach Ministry
The vision of the Educational Outreach Ministry is a quality educational and social outreach program that will have sustainability and effectiveness for the congregation and the community. The goals for EOM are as follows: To add a minimum of four members to the...
Children Ministry
It is our vision that the children of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church will come to personally know and experience Christ’s love, spirit and truth, and discover their spiritual potential through Christ-centered, loving and caring ministries. Ministry goal is to draw...
The Kennedy Street Ministry
The vision of the Kennedy Street Ministry is the continuation of processes to record and communicate the history Of the Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church for posterity. To develop a strategy to involve family members of KSM to become involved with the ministry so that it...
Mission Ministry
To help missionaries to develop and become more knowledgeable concerning the work of mission in the home, church and community. Mission: Lead people into an enriching, rewarding, and wholesome relationship with the Living Christ through worship and ministry. To...
Witness Ministry
To meet the need for disease prevention through health promotion at church and in the community. Our focus will be on diabetes, heart disease and stroke. We will use seminars, health fairs, community health courses We will have 20 members regularly getting blood...
Birth Month Ministry
To encourage every member to support the church services and activities, support special events and religious holidays, partner in prayer, greet all new members with the same birth month and create a bond of love in fellowship and activities
Deacons Ministry
The vision of the Deacon's Ministry is to assist the Pastor in his zeal for Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, to glorify God and serve His people through Word, Worship, Witness and Work. Just as the school system adopted the slogan “No Child left Behind”, we want no sick...
Feeding the Community
To feed those that are in the community that are in need of a physical food, and while feeding with physical food also offer spiritual food for their souls. To bring sinner into the body of Christ by giving word through witnessing to those that come in by the way of...
Membership Development
To welcome new members into the church and assist them to find their place of service at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church. Track new members for 6 months for regular church attendance, coordinating with Sunday School Teacher and ministry leaders. Identify an outreach...
Women’s Ministry
For every woman of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church to be equipped and committed to doing God’s work Without hesitation. Discipling other women into Christ like maturity, mentoring kingdom building, all to Glorify God. To see how many disciple we can win through trusting...

Birth Month Ministry
To encourage every member to support the church services and activities, support special events and religious holidays, partner in prayer, greet all new members with the same birth month and create a bond of love in fellowship and activities

Children Ministry
To equip children with knowledge, behaviors, and desires that produce within them an excitement about developing their growing relationship with Jesus Christ and a desire to become adult Christians prepared to serve God.

Deaconesses Ministry
To assist the Pastor and deacons in designated services such as baptism, The Lord’s Supper, family bereavement and young women counseling.

Deacons Ministry
To assist the Pastor upon any request, perform much of the administrative matters of the church as requested by the Pastor, assist the Pastor with the harmonious life of the members at all times, and to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Educational Outreach Ministry
To minister to the educational needs of the students of Pilgrim Rest, provide information concerning education and college, give recognition for academic achievement, encourage college students with funds, provide scholarships, and expose youth to several college campuses.

Hospitality Ministry
To be the first representative of the church to meet and greet the guest of the church and provide courteous service that will serve as an incentive for people to return to church and possibly become a member of the church family.

Kennedy Street Ministry
To continue the process of recording and communicating the history of the Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church for posterity.

Membership Development
To acquaint new members with the basic doctrine of the purpose of the church and its ordinances, and to present an overview of the mission vision, ministries, and procedures that govern PRBC.

Men’s Fellowship
To unite the men in the church into a bond of Christian friendship and fellowship through workshops addressing issues that nurture the men’s lives and families and to present a study of Scripture Keys for Kingdom Living on earth.

Mission Ministry
To engage church members in carrying out God’s command to visit the sick and shut in, feed the hungry, evangelize the unsaved, counsel people in need of spiritual guidance.

Music and Worship Arts
To edify the body of Christ through the ministry of Fine Arts as the vehicle to usher God’s people into the presence of Christ.

Singles Ministry
To render service of cheer, fellowship, and aid to the elderly and to bond with other Singles of Memphis churches, and visit many of America’s Scenic Resorts.

Sunday School
To teach the Holy Bible in such a way that it will produce disciples for Jesus Christ, strengthen individuals and families by encouraging them to study the bible, obey the commandments, receive the ordinances, keep its covenants, and be witnesses for Jesus Christ.

Ushers Ministry
To serve the needs of members, visitors, and friends who enter the sanctuary for worship and other services that the fellowship of kindred minds will be like to that above.

Vacation Bible School
To reserve a special week of nurture in the Word of God for all ages using a special theme for study, crafts, activities, exhibits, and group interaction with a focus of making disciples for Jesus Christ.

Wellness Ministry
To meet the need for disease prevention and health promotion of the church and the community, focusing on cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and strokes, through the use of seminars, conferences, workshops, health fairs and blood pressure screenings.

Willing Workers
To do God’s will, help and support the pastor’s vision, bring in new supporting members, promote improvements to the church’s exterior and interior, improve fellowship and harmony within the membership, and to help other ministries on special occasions and projects.

Women’s Fellowship
To help the women to discover their giftedness and use it to the fullest as a sisterhood united or the glory of God, and to help nurture women to live Godly with a focus on God and their families, through conferences that address these issues.

Youth Ministry
To provide youth ministries spiritual growth enrichment through the study of the Bible, conferences, seminars, workshops, and many opportunities to implement their spiritual gifts to the glory of God.